Explore the Fundamentals of Python Programming


Explore the Fundamentals of Python Programming

Explore the fundamentals of Python programming with this comprehensive course. This course includes detailed instructions for installing and setting up python and its environment. It also makes use of Jupyter Notebook, an interactive coding environment with real-time feedback and note-taking capabilities. The course also offers a certificate of completion.


Python programming is an object-oriented language. As a beginner, you’ll learn the basics of computer systems and how to use a Python environment to create programs. Once you have a basic understanding of the language, you can branch out to more complex concepts. Inheritance is one such fundamental concept, explored in this course.

Object-oriented programming is a powerful approach to writing clean, efficient code. It reduces the amount of repetition and helps reduce both code space and time complexity. The most widely used feature of object-oriented programming in Python is inheritance. But implementing it can be challenging.

Assignment statement

The Assignment statement is an important concept to understand when exploring the fundamentals of Python programming. The statement links a variable’s name to its value, defining its purpose. However, there are a few misconceptions surrounding the statement. First of all, it’s important to remember that the assignment statement does not mean that the value assigned to the variable is equal to the value or function that it represents. Instead, it means that the value evaluates to the name of the value.

Assignments are not expressions, but instead refer to objects that are assigned to names. These objects are created when a name is first assigned a value. When an object is assigned a name, Python automatically creates a reference to the object that it represents. This makes it possible to refer to the same object multiple times. The assignment statement is used in many different ways in Python programming, including:


Loops are one of the most important programming constructs in Python. They allow us to execute code multiple times and save us from writing the same code over again. In this article, we’ll learn how to use loops in Python and explore how they can be used in data science applications.

There are two types of loops: for and while. The for loop repeats a block of code until a specific condition is met. The while loop is more complex and allows for variable recursion.


Python programming allows you to use dictionaries as data structures. These objects store lists of keys and values. You can add and remove entries from dictionaries with the dictionary() function. This function returns a list with keys and values mapped to key-value pairs. It also raises an error if the dictionary is empty.

Python has built-in dictionaries for key-value pairs, a common data structure. Dictionaries allow you to easily access values when you know the key. They are especially helpful when you need to analyze data or use predictive modeling.

String concatenation

String concatenation is a useful tool in Python programming. Python has two methods for string concatenation. The first is the + operator, which adds a new string variable to the end of the existing one. The second method uses the % operator. The latter is used when you want to merge two or more strings into one. But both methods require that the original strings contain spaces. To accomplish this, you need to know how to use the % operator in Python.

The + operator can be used to concatenate two strings, but it’s not useful for complicated combinations. A better method is to use the format() method or the f-string method. It’s also important to remember that all of the values in the concatenated string must be of the same type. If they are not, it’s best to use the str() or int() method to convert them.

Sample programs in Python

This course focuses on teaching beginners how to use Python to write applications, starting from the fundamentals. This includes defining variables and understanding the use of logical and mathematical operators. You’ll also become familiar with the tkinter GUI application development environment. This is a tool that lets you create GUI applications easily, but it’s not mandatory.

The basic syntax of Python allows you to create simple or complex programs. The language features a number of arithmetic operators, including the standard integer, floating-point, and complex types. For example, you can use the input() function to take user input. You can also use the % operator for exponentiation, and the ** operator for division.


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